
Friday, May 25, 2018

Maritime Launch Services Will Not Say When It Will Begin Building Proposed Canso NS Commercial Spaceport

          By Henry Stewart

The start date to begin construction of a proposed Canso, NS based commercial spaceport optimized to launch Ukranian built Cyclone 4M rockets, but evidently also open to other rocket companies, has been pushed back to an unknown future.

MLS CEO Stephen Matier  talks with reporters at a meeting of the proposed project team in Dartmouth, NS on December 11th, 2017. Behind Matier is MLS VP of strategic development Yaroslav Pustovyi. Until recently, Pustovyi also acted as chairman of the board of the Canadian Space Commerce Association (CSCA). Photo c/o Andrew Vaughan/Canadian Press.

According to Canso, NS based Maritime Launch Services (MLS) CEO Stephen Matier, the launch site in Canso, NS, likely won't start being developed until later this year, although he was hesitant to commit to any new timeline.

As outlined in the May 21st, 2018 Canadian Press post, "Developer pushes back construction of Nova Scotia rocket launch site," the original plan was to begin construction on the estimated $200Mln CDN facility in May 2018.

The announcement was made by Matier "following meetings at the proposed rocket launch site near a small fishing community on Nova Scotia’s eastern shore," according to the post.

The post also quoted Matier as stating that:
As part of the process, I try to move things along. But the process (in order to come into compliance with the various federal and provincial regulations) is the process. 
There's 12 months of data collection. There's a report that has to be written. There's a review process that has to happen...
Matier made those comments to Canadian Press in a recent phone interview, as he waited at Halifax's Stanfield International Airport for a flight back to his home in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where he runs a small engineering consulting firm.

As outlined in the April 13th, 2018 post, "Ukrainian Rockets Like the Cyclone 4M Are Too Dangerous an Investment for Western Interests: Kyiv Post," independent observers in the Ukraine have questioned the capabilities of western investers to perform the appropriate due dilligence needed to assess Ukranian based investments.

The Ukraine space industry, along with the rest of the industrial infrastructure, was decimated during the 2014 Crimean crisis and remains heavily dependent for parts and support on the Russian government, its Crimean opponent.

That post also noted that MLS has engaged Toronto, ON based Jacob Capital Management Inc. (JCMI), to "lead the team of strategic and financial advisory services associated with MLS’s investor strategy," and said that MLS has "received a letter of intent from an undisclosed launch company to use the spaceport."

MLS, as outlined in the April 30th, 2018 iPolitics post, "Lobby Wrap: Where is Kevin Chan?," has also engaged Toronto, ON based Sussex Strategy associate Liam Daly to "raise awareness" of the Canso, NS space port and look for funding opportunities. Calls and e-mails into Daly's office to discuss his new role have, so far at least, not been returned.

As outlined in the November 9th, 2017 post, "Commercial Space and Rocket Port Shenanigans," Matier has stated previously that he was committed to funding the Canso space port with private financing and had already "secured commitments" of nearly $400Mln CDN in "series A" financing for the project.
Editors Note: Marc Boucher, over at SpaceQ, seems to have objected to several of the above statements in his May 25th, 2018 Short Cuts e-mail.
Not that there is anything wrong with that. 
This blog looks forward to the vigorous peer review necessary to insure that the true story regarding MLS and it's Ukranian designed and manufactured Cyclone 4M rockets gets out to a wider audience, just as soon as possible.
For those interested in learning more, Boucher's comments are included below.  
Graphic c/o Spaceq

Henry Stewart is the pseudonym of a Toronto based aerospace writer

1 comment:

  1. Well as we see from recent Space Q posts they have given up all pretence of being a critical reviewer of the industry and is now just reprinting MLS' press releases as facts. See Boucher even has gone so far as to cut off commenting on MLS announcements. MLS is moving from hopeful announcements into the territory of defrauding investors with false statements. I have confirmed from multiple sources here in Ukraine that a) MLS is completely dependent on Yuzhnoye as their supplier of launch vehicles and they have been reporting that MLS and Yuzhnoye are partners in this venture. Yuzhnoye is tied in with the current court case with de-frauding Canada's EDC and MDA of $10 million Canadian b) the Cyclone 4M has never successfully been launched and certainly not 220 times as alleged. c) Yuzhnoye can not deliver any Cyclone 4Ms for at least 2 years as they do not have the parts to complete the RD 870 first stage boosters. No Stage I engines means no flying - right. In short the whole project has gone from reaching for th stars to picking investor's pockets and Space Q seems to want to go along with it.
