
Friday, May 25, 2018

Canadian Space Agency Awards 33 Organizations $26.7Mln CDN Through STDP Program

         By Chuck Black

The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) has awarded 33 organizations a series of grants totalling $26.7Mln CDN to "further Canada's role in space technology."

14 contracts totalling $9.6Mln CDN and focused around the "development of cutting-edge technologies for a wide variety of future science missions," were discussed in the May 25th, 2018 CSA webpage, "Contracts awarded for the development of enabling space technologies." Graphic c/o CSA

As outlined in the May 25th, 2018 Government of Canada press release, "Federal government investing in space innovation to create or maintain nearly 400 well-paying jobs for Canadians," the new funds will "create or secure 397 jobs and give 66 students valuable experience in space-related fields."

The funding was awarded through the CSA's Space Technology Development Program (STDP), which supports "innovation to enhance the capabilities and competitiveness of Canada's space sector."

As announced in the May 24th, 2018 Government of Canada media advisory, "Minister Bains to announce an investment in Canadian space technologies," the awards were announced by Innovation Minister Navdeep Bains and CSA astronaut Jeremy Hanson earlier today.

The remaining companies, which received awards totalling $18.9Mln CDN were discussed in the May 25th, 2018 CSA webpage, "Contributions awarded under the STDP – AO 4" and included programs related to space research and development for large and small business and feasibility studies related to this area. Graphic c/o CSA.

While most of the larger grants were seemingly scooped by the usual suspects in the Canadian space industry (Cambridge ON based COM DEV International, a subsidiary of Morris Plains NJ based Honeywell International and Colorado based Maxar Technologies subsidiary MDA come to mind), it was nice to see that at least a few of the smaller Canadian space companies also represented. 

The most noteworthy inclusion was Toronto, ON based Continuum Aerospace, which received $200,000 CDN for an "additively manufactured high-impulse cooled chemical thruster for cubeSats and microsats."

As outlined in the April 22nd, 2016 post, "2009 Canadian Space Agency Report on Indigenous Canadian Launcher said "Yes!" But CSA Didn't Move Forward," Continuum also received a CSA grant in 2009 to assess Canada's capacity to create and support a small domestic launcher.
Chuck Black.

Chuck Black is the editor of the Commercial Space blog.


  1. Where is the Educational component? Where are the lesson plans for educators to teach their students about Canada's involvement in the Space Industry? Where are cardboard cutouts of solar powered cube stats for children to construct in their classrooms? The CSA is not or should not be an industry unto itself. TEACH OUR YOUTH. They are our future.

  2. Also noteworthy, $196,700 was awarded to Laval, Quebec based Laboratoire Reaction Dynamics for a suborbital flight demonstration vehicle for an advanced hybrid rocket propulsion technology by mid-2020, and plans for a Canadian orbital satellite launch service in 2023 at the earliest. Just learned about them right now, too bad they don't appear to have a website because I'm really interested in learning more about their plans. Pretty exciting news nonetheless!
