
Thursday, December 10, 2020

40+ Independent Alternative News & Opinion Outlets: The December 14th, 2020 Age of Ingenuity

As we move into the holiday season, the Age of Ingenuity has collected 40+ links, RSS Feeds and short descriptions of some of the best of the independent alternative news sites on the internet.

These links have already been collected and published on the Commercial Space blog in the right column under the headline "alternative News" but now seems like a good time to remind people that the "legacy" news isn't the only, or even the primary source of "real" news available today.

It's also interesting to note how many of these sources, sites and channels have recently been banned by YouTube and Facebook and how quickly the community is growing in spite of this censorship.

Sources cited in this episode include:
  •  A Warrior Calls – An interesting YouTube channel. It's not well known but provides good, “talking head” and live-stream overviews of most of the major issues of the day and a lot of philosophy. Much of the content seems to inform and influence the current Canadian freedom movement. Recommended, if only for the relaxing pace and philosophy.

  • BlackListed News – One of the granddaddies of the current wave of alternative news sites with a wide reach, interesting content selection and dozens of RSS feeds to other services.
  • Blacklock's Reporter – Ottawa based, pay-walled news service focused on the Federal government. Breaks many good stories which are often picked up by mainstream outlets. As for the paywall, even journalists gotta put food on the table. 
  • Canada Politics on Reddit – One stop shopping for a nice overview of what the legacy media is talking about on any given day.
  • CANADALAND – Owner/publisher Jesse Brown and staff provide independent overviews of Canada’s current news industry, along with commentary on current public issues. Useful, if you’re able to ignore the overt left wing site bias. 
  • Canuck Law – Sometimes "hit or miss" research, open source investigative journalism with stories going back to 2016. This site is critical of almost everything. !@#???!!! 

  • corbettreport – Journalist James Corbett is one of the founders and senior statesmen of the current alternative news movement. Since 2006 his website has been posting essential and well respected articles and video's for understanding our current world. Recommended. 
  • Diverge Media – A recent addition to this list. Two Toronto based talking heads. Hit and miss stories without a lot of context, nuance or sources mostly (but not always). However, they're young and at least attempting to tell "stories that matter." 
  • Druthers – Old style, tabloid formatted print publication focused around provincial and Federal politics, COVID and the great reset. First issue two weeks ago. Next issue expected in two weeks. Worth watching because print is permanent while internet stories could be censored tomorrow. 
  • Global Research – Edited by Michel Chossudovsky, a Canadian economist, author and conspiracy theorist (at least according to Wikipedia) at the University of Ottawa based Centre for Research on Globalization. Moderately academic.
  • Liberty Talk Canada – The BC based organizers of the weekly Vancouver Art Gallery protests. Organized the Liberty Network, an interesting group of local activists currently involved with a number of initiative. 
  • Michelle Rempel Garner – A Federal Conservative MP with a YouTube channel who sometimes has some interesting things to say. Probably more photogenic and trusted than her boss, current Conservative Party leader Erin O'Toole
  • National Observer – Online traditional news stories without quite so much political spin.
  • – A major site focused around holistic health news but with lots of (mostly US based) political commentary. Heavily banned and not well liked by the mainstream, mostly because of its size, viewership and reach. The site receives seven million viewers a month even after being delisted and blocked from Google Search and several other web search engines.
  • OffGuardian – Well researched alternative news and viewpoints on a variety of important topics mostly shunned by the legacy media. 
  • One America News Network – Fast growing, well funded, conservative focused and US based news service owned by Herring Networks, a family owned and operated, independent media company.
  • Press For Truth – The home of well known BC based alternative journalist Dan Dix. Often banned and dismissed as "conspiracy theorist" but rarely equaled for his independent coverage of important events. Recommended. 

  • Rebel News on YouTube – Canadian based news service with a libertarian bent. Perhaps one of the few media organizations in Canada currently doing original work. Domestic and international correspondents covers worldwide Freedom protests and serve as a platform for small businesses and individuals fighting fines related to COVID lock downs. More traditional than it might think, but still recommended.
  • Right Edition News – Fronted by an old school crazy reporter with more than a passing resemblance to Kolchak: TheNight Stalker. The site started out as a gun rights advocacy platform but now focuses on a wide range of alternative and conservative topics.
  • Spencer Fernando – Another old school journalist, but far less crazy looking. Fernando’s willingness to speak the truth, at least from an anti-Trudeau, pro-traditional conservative perspective, has found a wide and growing audience,
  • Swiss Policy Research – A self described "independent, nonpartisan, and nonprofit research group investigating geopolitical propaganda in Swiss and international media." The site often publishes on COVID at odds with legacy media accounts which accounts for the tendency to dismiss the site as a repository of "conspiracy theories." 

  • The Last American Vagabond – Another advocate of in-depth, long form journalism will multiple contributors and well researched and cited article. Similar in style and content to the Conscious Resistance Network, which makes sense because some authors have contributed to both sites. Recommended.
  • The Myth is Canada - An interesting weekly ZOOM based round-table with members of the various Canadian and international Freedom movements discussing their organizations, philosophies and upcoming events. Useful context for the struggle. 
  • The Observable Thing – Local, Toronto based videographer and YouTuber, who often records Toronto Ontario based protest marches and speakers focused on alternative, pro-freedom and anti-lock down topics. Recommended. An excellent source of visuals on the topic.
  • The Post Millennial – A sensible, well funded, reasonably fair and accurate organization, built on the model of the legacy media, but independent. Unlike most of the legacy media, Post Millennial even send actual reporters out to protests sometimes, an activity which allows their reporters a far greater access to new ideas and what's really happening.
  • The Western Standard – Solid old-school western Canadian perspectives. An “independent source of news and commentary fighting for a strong and free Western Canada, committed to the truth even when it hurts, and forever pledged to refuse government funding.” Recommended, if only for its western perspective.
  • Timcast – Mostly just one guy ranting and commenting on the legacy news. But he’s very good at it and has a great deal of experience and expertise as a journalist. Recommended. 

  • Tommy Rodgers – Another local Toronto based independent videographer and YouTuber, who often records GTA based protest marchers and speakers focused on alternative and anti-lockdown topics. Great primary source material.
  • Vaccine Choice Canada – Advocacy and resource site for data on current vaccination programs in use in Canada. Often seems to act as a coordinating agency for others including constitutional lawyer Rocco Galati and the House of Commons E-Petition to support Canadian rights for informed consent  and insure vaccine safety (Petition e-2961 on "Human Diseases").
  • Viva Frei – Montreal based lawyer with great perspectives on Canadian and international legal issues. Like any good lawyer, he talks really, really fast.

"Age of Ingenuity" tracks Canada's "idea ecosystem," the organizations, agencies and individuals attempting to turn innovative Canadian ideas, concepts and business plans into priceless, world class "unicorns," able to revolutionize our culture, anchor our industries and create our jobs.

Connect with us on FacebookGabLinkedInMindsPinterest, Steemit and Twitter. Follow the stories we're tracking on the Canadian Innovation News and Upcoming Events Scoop-It feeds.

Age of Ingenuity Credits

Producer and Host - Chuck Black (
Host and Contributor - Al Calder ( 

Music and Audio: Freesound House Flow by Jaturo, Scream by DigitalDominic and Stingers 001 by rodincoil. Licenced under a Creative Commons 0 Licence.

The Age of Ingenuity is created using ZOOMOpen Shot Video EditorGimp, various laptops and cell phones, plus lots and lots of coffee.

Follow us on YouTube and Bitchute. Check out our social media on FacebookGabLinkedInMindsPinterest, Steemit and Twitter. Follow the stories we're tracking on the Canadian Innovation News and Upcoming Events Scoop-It feeds.

Copyright disclaimer under section 107 of the US Copyright Act of 1976, allowing for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism and under section 29 of the 1921 Canadian Copyright Act allowing for “fair dealing” exemptions for criticism, review and news reporting.

Remember to like, comment, share, subscribe and support this vidcast on Patreon and Paypal.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Businesses Restless to Reopen. Court Cases Being Prepared: The November 26th, 2020 Age of Ingenuity

This week, Al and I went to Adamson’s BBQ in Etobocoke Ontario where owner Adam Skelly is protesting the lock down, trying to keep his employees on payroll, putting some food on the table to feed his young family and getting arrested for his troubles.

This is important stuff. Small business owners and families have the right to overrule stupid legislation from those in government who think we’re no good for anything but sitting on the couch, eating chips and watching TV. 

They should be afraid of us, not the other way around.

Sources cited during the episode include:

"Age of Ingenuity" tracks Canada's "idea ecosystem," the organizations, agencies and individuals attempting to turn innovative Canadian ideas, concepts and business plans into priceless, world class "unicorns," able to revolutionize our culture, anchor our industries and create our jobs.

Connect with us on FacebookGabLinkedInMindsPinterest, Steemit and Twitter. Follow the stories we're tracking on the Canadian Innovation News and Upcoming Events Scoop-It feeds.

Age of Ingenuity Credits

Producer and Host - Chuck Black
Host and Contributor - Al Calder

Music and Audio: Freesound House Flow by Jaturo, Scream by DigitalDominic and Stingers 001 by rodincoil. Licenced under a Creative Commons 0 Licence.

The Age of Ingenuity is created using ZOOMOpen Shot Video EditorGimp, various laptops and cell phones, plus lots and lots of coffee.

Follow us on YouTube and Bitchute. Check out our social media on FacebookGabLinkedInMindsPinterest, Steemit and Twitter. Follow the stories we're tracking on the Canadian Innovation News and Upcoming Events Scoop-It feeds.

Copyright disclaimer under section 107 of the US Copyright Act of 1976, allowing for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism and under section 29 of the 1921 Canadian Copyright Act allowing for “fair dealing” exemptions for criticism, review and news reporting.

Remember to like, comment, share, subscribe and support this vidcast on Patreon and Paypal.

Friday, November 20, 2020

Justin Trudeau, Silent Weapons & the Great Reset: The November 19th, 2020 Age of Ingenuity

This week, we're going to take a look at Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s recently posted speech referencing the "Great Reset," Agenda 21/2030 and centralized world government. 

It’s not a conspiracy theory if the participants publicly brag about their plans.

Sources cited during the episode include the following:
  • The undated Investopedia website overview of the The Delphi Method. Retrieved November 11th, 2020.
  • The undated World Economic Forum (WEF) website focused on the Great Reset. Retrieved November 18th, 2020. 

"Age of Ingenuity" tracks Canada's "idea ecosystem," the organizations, agencies and individuals attempting to turn innovative Canadian ideas, concepts and business plans into priceless, world class "unicorns," able to revolutionize our culture, anchor our industries and create our jobs.

Connect with us on FacebookGabLinkedInMindsPinterest, Steemit and Twitter. Follow the stories we're tracking on the Canadian Innovation News and Upcoming Events Scoop-It feeds.

Age of Ingenuity Credits

Producer and Host - Chuck Black
Host and Contributor - Al Calder

Music and Audio: Freesound House Flow by Jaturo, Scream by DigitalDominic and Stingers 001 by rodincoil. Licenced under a Creative Commons 0 Licence.

The Age of Ingenuity is created using ZOOMOpen Shot Video EditorGimp, various laptops and cell phones, plus lots and lots of coffee.

Follow us on YouTube and Bitchute. Check out our social media on FacebookGabLinkedInMindsPinterest, Steemit and Twitter. Follow the stories we're tracking on the Canadian Innovation News and Upcoming Events Scoop-It feeds.

Copyright disclaimer under section 107 of the US Copyright Act of 1976, allowing for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism and under section 29 of the 1921 Canadian Copyright Act allowing for “fair dealing” exemptions for criticism, review and news reporting.

Remember to like, comment, share, subscribe and support this vidcast on Patreon and Paypal.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Aylmer's Protest & Predicting our Covid Infested Future: The November 12th, 2020 Age of Ingenuity

This week, Al traveled to Aylmer Ontario to cover the local Freedom March, held on November 7th. We’re going to talk about that and show some footage of the event.

We're also going to take a look at Toronto, Ontario based Trend Hunter, a company started in 2006 to track trends in pop-culture, advertising and design.

We’re going to pay particular attention to the scary suggestions the company predicts corporations should focus their marketing efforts around, after covid.

Sources cited during the episode include the following:
Page 5: Up-cycled root (cannabis or hemp root) for skincare products. Maximize that marijuana farm investment by making use of the parts of the plant you can't smoke.
Page 11: Appointment retail shopping. In-person shopping goes upscale with personalized assistance, coffee and croissants plus far, far higher costs. For the proletariat, there's always Amazon.  
Page 17, the Virtual Marketplace and Page 71, the Virtual Crowd – Anything once done in person and involving a crowd will now goe online. Concerts, parties, nightclubs etc. Far harder to hookup, but also far harder to become a super-spreader event. 

Page 29: Model Free Runways. Fewer people connecting equals fewer points of contact for disease transmission so models are expected to soon go the way of the dodo. No word on when the first coat hanger and/or manikin will make the cover of Vogue, Glamour or Cosmopolitan. 
Page 33: Face masks integrated into trendy, fashionable coats and outerwear. for the fashion conscious germophobe.  

Page 77: Skincare products designed to combat the acne which often develops because of mask wearing. Yum... 
Page 43: Solutions that address the absence of physical touch we’re all going to be feeling as long as the pandemic continues. 
Page 107: Protest Security. Solutions designed to hide your identity when protesting or just walking about. Works best when combined with the trend described on Page 103.
Page 103: New technologies for in-store (and outdoor) monitoring of others for when you want to know the identities of all those people protesting and walking about...

  • The IMBD listing for the 1993 action sci-fi thriller Demolition Man


"Age of Ingenuity" tracks Canada's "idea ecosystem," the organizations, agencies and individuals attempting to turn innovative Canadian ideas, concepts and business plans into priceless, world class "unicorns," able to revolutionize our culture, anchor our industries and create our jobs.

Connect with us on FacebookGabLinkedInMindsPinterest, Steemit and Twitter. Follow the stories we're tracking on the Canadian Innovation News and Upcoming Events Scoop-It feeds.

Age of Ingenuity Credits

Producer and Host - Chuck Black
Host and Contributor - Al Calder

Music and Audio: Freesound House Flow by Jaturo, Scream by DigitalDominic and Stingers 001 by rodincoil. Licenced under a Creative Commons 0 Licence.

The Age of Ingenuity is created using ZOOMOpen Shot Video EditorGimp, various laptops and cell phones, plus lots and lots of coffee.

Follow us on YouTube and Bitchute. Check out our social media on FacebookGabLinkedInMindsPinterest, Steemit and Twitter. Follow the stories we're tracking on the Canadian Innovation News and Upcoming Events Scoop-It feeds.

Copyright disclaimer under section 107 of the US Copyright Act of 1976, allowing for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism and under section 29 of the 1921 Canadian Copyright Act allowing for “fair dealing” exemptions for criticism, review and news reporting.

Remember to like, comment, share, subscribe and support this vidcast on Patreon and Paypal.

Thursday, November 05, 2020

The US Election & Aylmer Pastor Henry Hildebrandt Speaks Again: The November 5th, 2020 Age of Ingenuity

If last week was a heavy political week in Canada, then this Tuesday was the culmination of an unprecedented period of political turmoil in the US. We’re going to take a look at what the alternative media, but not what the legacy media, is saying about this.

We’ve also reconnected with Henry Hildebrandt, the pastor of the Church of God in Aylmer Ontario. He’s been at the centre of the anti-lockdown protest movement in Ontario almost since the beginning of this so-called pandemic in March 2020.

He’s been so effective, the local Mayor has declared a “state of emergency” in an effort to shut down a planned protest featuring him in Aylmer Ontario on November 7th. 

Sources cited during the episode include the following:
Citations for the Pastor Henry Hildebrandt interview include the following:

"Age of Ingenuity" tracks Canada's "idea ecosystem," the organizations, agencies and individuals attempting to turn innovative Canadian ideas, concepts and business plans into priceless, world class "unicorns," able to revolutionize our culture, anchor our industries and create our jobs.

Connect with us on FacebookGabLinkedInMindsPinterest, Steemit and Twitter. Follow the stories we're tracking on the Canadian Innovation News and Upcoming Events Scoop-It feeds.

Age of Ingenuity Credits

Producer and Host - Chuck Black
Host and Contributor - Al Calder

Music and Audio: Freesound House Flow by Jaturo, Scream by DigitalDominic and Stingers 001 by rodincoil. Licenced under a Creative Commons 0 Licence.

The Age of Ingenuity is created using ZOOMOpen Shot Video EditorGimp, various laptops and cell phones, plus lots and lots of coffee.

Follow us on YouTube and Bitchute. Check out our social media on FacebookGabLinkedInMindsPinterest, Steemit and Twitter. Follow the stories we're tracking on the Canadian Innovation News and Upcoming Events Scoop-It feeds.

Copyright disclaimer under section 107 of the US Copyright Act of 1976, allowing for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism and under section 29 of the 1921 Canadian Copyright Act allowing for “fair dealing” exemptions for criticism, review and news reporting.

Remember to like, comment, share, subscribe and support this vidcast on Patreon and Paypal.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Elections & an Interview with PQ Gym Owner Dany Laflamme: The October 29th, 2020 Age of Ingenuity

We’ve just come off a heavy political week in Canada, with provincial elections in Saskatchewan and British Columbia and two Federal by-elections in Toronto. We’re going to talk about that.

We're also going to note that most of those vying for public office didn’t talk about business closures, the ongoing lock downs or anything especially relevant to the electorate and voter turnout was low because of that.

Unlike the politicians, we will be talking with Dany Laflamme, the owner of Nova Gym Centre Fitness in Quebec. He’s decided he can either open his business in defiance of the Quebec government's new lock down edicts or go bankrupt. This blog feels his pain and wishes him the best.

Sources cited during the episode include the following:
Citations for the Dany Laflamme interview include the following:

"Age of Ingenuity" tracks Canada's "idea ecosystem," the organizations, agencies and individuals attempting to turn innovative Canadian ideas, concepts and business plans into priceless, world class "unicorns," able to revolutionize our culture, anchor our industries and create our jobs.

Connect with us on FacebookGabLinkedInMindsPinterest, Steemit and Twitter. Follow the stories we're tracking on the Canadian Innovation News and Upcoming Events Scoop-It feeds.

Age of Ingenuity Credits

Producer and Host - Chuck Black
Host and Contributor - Al Calder

Music and Audio: Freesound House Flow by Jaturo, Scream by DigitalDominic and Stingers 001 by rodincoil. Licenced under a Creative Commons 0 Licence.

The Age of Ingenuity is created using ZOOMOpen Shot Video EditorGimp, various laptops and cell phones, plus lots and lots of coffee.

Follow us on YouTube and Bitchute. Check out our social media on FacebookGabLinkedInMindsPinterest, Steemit and Twitter. Follow the stories we're tracking on the Canadian Innovation News and Upcoming Events Scoop-It feeds.

Copyright disclaimer under section 107 of the US Copyright Act of 1976, allowing for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism and under section 29 of the 1921 Canadian Copyright Act allowing for “fair dealing” exemptions for criticism, review and news reporting.

Remember to like, comment, share, subscribe and support this vidcast on Patreon and Paypal.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Protests Against CDN Lockdowns & Nigerian Police Brutality: The October 22nd, 2020 Age of Ingenuity

Last week, "Age of Ingenuity" hosts Al Calder and Chuck Black attended the Saturday, October 17th, 2020 Freedom Protest at Dundas Square in Toronto, Ontario. We thought it was a big deal and so did most of the 10,000 or so protestors in attendance. 

But there wasn’t a lot of coverage in the legacy media and we’re going to talk about that. The Freedom Protest wasn't even the only group of good, politically engaged and active people being mostly ignored that day.

While covering the first protest. Al came across a completely different, smaller, but just as important a group of people objecting to the actions of a different and far more repressive regime. They were also mostly being ignored and their message deserves to get out. 

To assist, we're going to talk about the Anti-SARS, anti-Nigerian police brutality protest held at Dundas Square in Toronto on October 17th, 2020.
Sources cited during this episode include the following:

"Age of Ingenuity" tracks Canada's "idea ecosystem," the organizations, agencies and individuals attempting to turn innovative Canadian ideas, concepts and business plans into priceless, world class "unicorns," able to revolutionize our culture, anchor our industries and create our jobs.

Connect with us on FacebookGabLinkedInMindsPinterest, Steemit and Twitter. Follow the stories we're tracking on the Canadian Innovation News and Upcoming Events Scoop-It feeds.

Age of Ingenuity Credits

Producer and Host - Chuck Black
Host and Contributor - Al Calder

Music and Audio: Freesound House Flow by Jaturo, Scream by DigitalDominic and Stingers 001 by rodincoil. Licenced under a Creative Commons 0 Licence.

The Age of Ingenuity is created using ZOOMOpen Shot Video EditorGimp, various laptops and cell phones, plus lots and lots of coffee.

Follow us on YouTube and Bitchute. Check out our social media on FacebookGabLinkedInMindsPinterest, Steemit and Twitter. Follow the stories we're tracking on the Canadian Innovation News and Upcoming Events Scoop-It feeds.

Copyright disclaimer under section 107 of the US Copyright Act of 1976, allowing for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism and under section 29 of the 1921 Canadian Copyright Act allowing for “fair dealing” exemptions for criticism, review and news reporting.

Remember to like, comment, share, subscribe and support this vidcast on Patreon and Paypal.