
Saturday, February 06, 2016

How Ed Mitchell Expected to be Remembered

          By Chuck Black

The sixth person to walk on the Moon, American naval officer, astronaut and explorer Edgar Dean "Ed" Mitchell passed on Thursday, after a long, adventurous and fruitful life.

In August 2000, Mitchell talked with author, publisher and Space Library curator Robert Godwin at the Airport Marriot Hotel in Chicago, Ill. During the interview, which Godwin recorded, Mitchell discussed how he expected to be remembered. 

Ed Mitchell, at the Marriott Hotel Chicago on August 27th, 2000. For a sampling of the interview, please click on this link. Screenshot c/o The Space Library.

Mitchell said that his life has been "that of exploration," initially of the atmosphere and of outer space.

But over the last thirty years, he had also explored inner-space, "and consciousness and the studies of the cosmology of mind and consciousness (and) how did all of this come to be," According to Mitchell:
I have a suspicion that I'm likely to be remembered more for the latter than the former.
The work we have been doing for thirty years now is very, very significant. We have re-addressed the old questions and used all the tools of science to help try to understand it.  
The ancient questions that every generation has asked; Who are we and how did we get here and where are we going and what is this all about...
To learn more, check out this free clip at the Space Library. 

And, if you'd like to listen to the entire forty-seven minute interview with Mitchell, please consider signing up for a monthly membership in The Space Library.

It's only $5 CDN a month and helps to keep the website online.

Membership also entitles you to over 33,000 other pages of primary first generation source materials, visuals, audio and video files covering the complete history of space exploration.

Recent posts include the article "Willy Ley – Berliner, Raketenpionier, Weltraumhistoriker" by Wolfgang Both and a new history of the German Rocketry Society by Frank H. Winter, the retired Curator of Rocketry of the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC. 

Chuck Black.
Best of all, your funds will help to support not just the work being done through the Space Library but will also help to support the Commercial Space blog.

So be awesome. Help us get the word out.

Chuck Black is the editor of the Commercial Space blog.

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