
Monday, August 27, 2012

2012 Canadian Space Summit in London, Ontario: November 14th - 16th

Jack Mustard.
There's still time to grab a speaking spot for the 2012 Canadian Space Summit, but only if you apply online, using this link and do so before September 14th. 

So you'd better hurry.

Speaker (and attendee) slots are filling up fast for this, the 14th annual conference of the Canadian Space Society, which will be held at the Centre for Planetary Science and Exploration at Western University in London ON, from November 14th - 16th.

Bonnie Schmidt.
The theme this year is "Bridging Communities: Unifying the Canadian Space Sector" and confirmed keynote session speakers so far include Dr. John "Jack" Mustard from Brown University (the deputy principal investigator of the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM), a visible-infrared spectrometer aboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter), Perry Edmundson (the product marketing manager for Canadian space systems company COM DEV International), Dr. Bonnie Schmidt, the founder and president of Let’s Talk Science (one of Canada's largest charitable organizations dedicated to improving science literacy) and Dr. David Beaty, the chief scientist for the Mars exploration directorate at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.

Peter Smith.
The keynote speaker for the Thursday night banquet, a traditional feature of the summit, is Dr. Peter Smith, the principal investigator for the 2008 Mars Phoenix Mission. Smith currently holds the Thomas R. Brown Distinguished Chair of Integrated Science at the University of Arizona (UofA) Lunar and Planetary Laboratory.

The summit is designed to provide a multifaceted forum for the Canadian and international community to present recent scientific advances, exchange information on new technologies, develop new ideas and to discuss opportunities for international collaboration. Presentation formats include a mix of plenary sessions, invited talks, poster sessions, and panel discussions to provide a venue for interdisciplinary networking and promote further connections between the various communities within the Canadian space sector.

For more information, please check out the summit website and facebook event pages.

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