
Monday, March 12, 2012

CSDC Teams Complete Design Reviews

At the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) David Florida Laboratory, the critical design review presentations for a dozen potential new Canadian satellites have finally wound down after a month of frantic activity.
Sepehr Khaligh, Jared Bottoms, Benjamin Lange from the University of Alberta SAT1 team.
The presentations were a key component in the Canadian Satellite Design Challenge (CSDC), a Canada wide competition among twelve universities to design, build, test, and perhaps even launch a low-cost operational small satellite.

The review process is one of the unique elements of the CSDC over other university engineering competitions,” said Larry Reeves, President of the CSDC Management Society, which is organizing the competition. “This gives the teams experience in the management process which is used in many real-world projects. It also helps to identify and correct design oversights which could cause serious problems for their missions.
Charles Wilson, Tiago Leao, Nick Sweet, Andrei Jones, Stephanos Dermenakis, Tyson Boer, Shawn Stoute, Alex Potapovs from the University of Concordia Space Concordia team.
Teams from Concordia University, the University of Manitoba (the UM T-Sats), and the University of Saskatchewan (U of S Space Design Team) emerged with top marks for their designs. When combined with their marks from the Preliminary Design Review, Concordia University and the University of Manitoba are almost tied, with the remaining teams in a very tight group with only 4% separating them.

The review panel consisted of: Patrick Gavigan from Defence Research and Development Canada; Daniel Levesque from the CSA; Maarten Meerman from MacDonald Dettwiler (MDA); and Larry Reeves from the CSDCMS and Geocentrix Technologies Ltd.
Alex Cushley, OCdt.Daniel Stolzman, OCdt. Malcolm Grieve, Maj. José Castillo, OCdt. Michael Baskey, Michael Earl from  the Royal Military College of Canada team.
Some of the proposed science research instruments include:
  • A spectrometer to derive atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases
  • A device to measure the extent of sea ice across the polar regions using GPS reflection,
  • The use of a radio transmitter to calibrate terrestrial radio telescopes
  • The use of a device to measure of the level and direction of cosmic radiation, particularly from solar flares.
  • A device to measure atmospheric air glow and assessing its potential as an earthquake precursor
The teams will now begin the assembly, integration, and test (AI&T) portion of the competition to build the flight model of their spacecraft. Environmental testing of the completed spacecraft is schedule to take place at the David Florida Laboratory in September, 2012.
CSDC reviewers with University of Victoria team members Justin Curran (University of Victoria), Maarten Meerman (Macdonald Dettwiler), Nigel Syrotuck (University of Victoria), Patrick Gavigan (Defense Research and Development Canada), Daniel Lévesque (Canadian Space Agency) and Larry Reeves (CSDC Management Society).

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